Sound Design

From designing one single door to creating a sci-fi vehicle.

Do you want a huge and scary beast? Don’t worry, we do it as well.

Whatever you imagine, we design it!

Check our projects down below.

This sound redesign uses original sounds recorded by myself. I made the spiderwebs with slime, windbreak cloth and a tennis racket. I used Kontakt for the eerie effects (while Spiderman is taking the leap of faith) and finally, I created the whooshes with Reaktor 6.

The voice actor’s name is Raj Gill. I mostly just cleaned his voice and compressed it.


This sound redesign was my final project of the Sound Design for Visual Media program at Vancouver Film School. All of these sounds (except the horses) are original sounds recorded and made by myself.

The dragon roars/breaths/screams are 4 layers of edited recordings of my own voice; the main process was playing with its pitch, the plugin DeHumanizer and compressing it. For all the magic from the characters, I used Reaktor 6, I played with sources of fire, thunder and impacts.

The voice actors were Jocelyn Feltham, Justin Wu, Paul Morrison, Carlos Flores and Tamara Pelayo.

The Elder scrolls ONline: Elsweyr